
Trololo or properly я очень рад ведь я наконец возвращаюсь домой i am glad i am finally going home is a soviet song written by arkady ostrovsky which was then popularized by eduard khil.
Trolololo. Trollololo was a rock troll who was the sole resident and protector of white eagle fort in 1272. For common laughter please use trololo. Trololo is a video of the nationally honored russian singer eduard khil aka edward khill edward hill performing the soviet era pop song i am glad cause i m finally returning back home russian. Trolololol and trololol are used to express laughter from lol after someone successfully trolls another person. я очень рад ведь я наконец возвращаюсь домой. The video has received more. я очень рад ведь я наконец возвращаюсь домой.
Mr trololo eduard khil the original video shown above is often referred to as the russian rickroll because of its association with being used to trick people. Eduard anatolyevich khil russian. Song трололо и trololo song и я очерь рад ведь я наконец возвращаюсь. ɨdʊˈart ɐnɐˈtolʲjɪvʲɪtɕ ˈxʲilʲ often anglicized as edward hill. эдуа рд анато льевич хиль ipa.